If, for any reason, there is a problem with the shipment or the item shipped, or you need to exchange your purchase, please post it back to the address below. Should you require any advice please contact us on +44 (1) 647 440 322or email us at peter@beesindevon.co.uk
If posting your return to us, please re-package your goods carefully and use the Royal Mail's Recorded Signed For™ or similar service to send your items as we cannot be held responsible for items lost in the post. Please enclose a covering letter outlining the reason for the return.
All Returns should be posted to:
Rosemary Cottage, North Bovey, TQ13 8 NR Devon.
You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after full receipt of the goods providing you contact us prior to the return of the goods; please do so to: peter@beesindevon.co.uk or call 01 647 440 322. You will be refunded the cost (not the postage) of the goods, except if the item has been tampered with, spoilt in any way due to your responsibility.
Wherever possible we will use natural products for packaging.